#12 森の木琴 TOUCHWOOD

Saturday, April 23, 2011

When I was watching this video, I thought it was a brilliant idea. Using natural material to create such beautiful sound that echo through the forest.
And then the phone and the tag ling appears.
I suddenly didn't know how to feel. Sure, a phone that promotes energy-saving, and recycled material is great. But did they just used a large amount of wood to make this commercial? Does this not go against the meaning behind the phone?
...Then I realized that it was only when I notice it was a commercial I began criticizing it.

'Because it is art, they can do whatever they want - as long as we enjoy it.' 'Because it is for art, we can overlook the resources it wasted.'
Perhaps some people do feel this way, and perhaps it is not entirely wrong. And there are many artist who speak for the environment. But you cannot deny that there many 'art' that are entirely waste of space and resources (physically and mentally). Yet many people still enjoy this art. How far are we going to allow these art take us? Do we know when to stop? This pose is becoming off-topic.

A comment on the video states that "The instrument and the frame of the phone are made from the woods that were cut down for thinning the forest to maintain healthy environment. Too many trees in the wet land block the sun and wind, and that could weaken the forest." According to the website of the phone, this seems to be the case. This company does seems to be genuinely care for the environment, and this phone is definitely a great idea. But I look forward to phones made with old battery and computers made with old metals to be released on the market. Or maybe company can just stop wasting extra resources making chips that stores your location data aka stalk-you-everywhere-you-go.

P.S. Touchwood, what a great name. (not sarcastic)


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