Recently I've finish watching a Japanese Drama name Q10, although not being a fan of love-themed dramas, I found myself taking a liking to this particular drama. The story begins with high school student Fukai Heita (Satoh Takeru) found and activated a robot name Q10 (Maeda Atsuko). Q10 (pronounced as Kyuuto) is a robot in a girl model and is still at learning stage. This 9-episode drama follow the adventure of these two and their classmates and teachers. Q10 have a theme that would become reality in the future - relationship between human and robots. As the story progress, Fukai face many dilemmas and begins rise many philosophical questions.
To be honest, story with a similar premises is not uncommon, but that made Q10 stood out for me is how realistic it is. The story was shown in a calm yet touching way. There was no emotion forced to the audience, everything seemed very natural. Which I think is appropriate because when one day robot is living among us, they would not come with a 'BANG!', but instead they will just blend in with the rest of the society. The problems that they will bring are not just wars and political matters, but something smaller yet affects us much stronger.
What also make Q10 interesting is the classmates, in Fukai's class, there is a hidden rocker, otaku, poor loner, star chaser and many more interesting characters. Each of them struggle against problems with society because who they are. They are show a large amount of character development though out the series. Although being the supporting characters, all of them are interesting in their own way and it's not hard to find connection between ourself and one of the characters.
Q10 says a lot about technology, but I think what really made Q10 what is it is how it talks about life and our generation. In conclusion, I think Q10 is a interesting drama and it's story might become reailty in the near future.
Whoa this drama is definitely philosophical! I learned a lot from it and pondered upon those lessons! ^^
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